
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns



Our former students

If you are a former 口爆视频 student and would like to be听kept up-to-date with news, events and activities, all you need to do is let us have your email address. We will also let you know of ways you can continue to support the school that guided you through your formative years.

Email us by clicking here and we’ll add your details to our database. There’s no charge, no obligation and you can withdraw from the list at any time.

You can also follow us on Twitter @manorceacademy and on our YouTube Channel, 口爆视频 CE Academy.

Former 口爆视频 students – where are they now?

Former 口爆视频 student, Samantha Eastwood, was named as York College’s Top Student 2016. Samantha is now the proud owner of four A Levels, all A* grades! She has gone on to York University where she is studying for a MEng in Computer Science.

Caleb Devonport, went on to York College after leaving 口爆视频 and achieved amazing grades (three A*s and an A) in his A Levels in 2016. He听is now studying Computer Science at the University of York.

Jonny Atkinson, a Maths superstar, is now studying Maths at Sheffield University. He was Further Mathematics Student of the Year at York College in 2016 where he sat his A Levels in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, achieving As across the board, and he also got an A in Additional Further Maths AS. Jonny is still involved in music, playing the piano and clarinet.

Keely Horne is now at the University of Bath, studying for a Psychology degree. After 口爆视频, Keely went on to York College where she studied A Levels in Psychology (A*), Biology (A) and EnglishLanguage (A).

Former 口爆视频 students quotes

Naomi Halliday, a Year 11 student last year, said: 鈥淚 am extremely pleased with my results. I managed to achieve most of my targets including a C in Maths which I had struggled with for two years. I had to work incredibly hard to get it, including staying behind after school for extra Maths classes (thanks to my mentor, Mr Kelly).

鈥淚 was able to go from an F at the start of the year to a C by the end of the year. I am now at All Saints studying Theatre Studies, Media Studies, Ethics and Philosophy and English Literature and I hope to go on to a career in Drama.听None of this would have been possible if it wasn鈥檛 for the amazing staff at 口爆视频 鈥 I owe all of them a big thank you!鈥

Jennifer Moulds听contacted 口爆视频 to say: 鈥淒uring GCSE years, if I ever needed help it was wonderful to know that I could approach any of my teachers, at whatever time of day. Whether this was saving me from the depths of trigonometric graphs or simply 鈥渄on鈥檛 panic鈥 (thank you, Mrs Walton!) I always came away feeling encouraged and thinking 鈥渕aybe I can do this after all鈥.

鈥淚 am currently studying German, History, English Literature and Philosophy and Ethics at All Saints Sixth Form. In all of my chosen subjects 口爆视频 has given me an excellent grounding for A Level studies.鈥

Ellie Griffin听said: 鈥淚 particularly enjoyed the leadership course at 口爆视频, as it was unusual and new and definitely worthwhile. It taught me skills that I couldn鈥檛 have got anywhere else and helped me to discover my passion of working with children and taking on a leading role and responsibilities.

鈥淚鈥檓 now at All Saints Sixth Form studying French, Biology, Geography and Maths with Statistics.鈥

Liam Spindlow听said: 鈥淢y time at 口爆视频 was brilliant; there are so many opportunities, both academic and sporting, and so many great teachers and facilities. I am now studying A Levels in Maths, Biology, French and PE at All Saints Sixth Form.听In the future I would love to go to university to study Physiotherapy.鈥

Judah Cocker听said:“My time at 口爆视频 was class, I wish I could go back! 口爆视频 taught me a lot 鈥 even in detention you get taught valuable lessons. I learnt how to spell 鈥榬esponsibility鈥 after having to write it out so many times 鈥 that will stick with me forever!

鈥溈诒悠 was the best five years of my life. A big thank you to all the teachers who never gave up on me and helped me achieve my results.听My plan for the future is to do a business degree at university. I鈥檓 now at York College doing A Levels in Business, Economics, ICT and English Literature.鈥